
Wicklow, Ireland





somatic Movement

These classes are designed to relieve pain and bring comfort and maybe even pleasure into being in one’s body. Somatic Education is a gentle system of retraining the neuromuscular connections in the body bringing about ease and freedom of movement. It creates deeper body awareness so that we can release the holding patterns that cause chronic pain and restrict movement whether from injuries, habitual holding patterns or stress. It is an unravelling and releasing of our contracted muscles promoting comfort and ease in our daily life.

The human body is not an instrument to be used, but a realm of one’s being to be experienced, explored, enriched and, thereby, educated.
— Thomas Hanna


Check for news on the upcoming workshops


Somatic education comes in the form of movement lessons,  one-to-one clinical sessions, workshops and yoga classes. 


OI Coach

The Organic Intelligence® Coach Certification (OICC) program is a rigorous one-year, 200-hour immersion in OI’s Post-Trauma Growth methods. Taught to thousands worldwide, OI Coaching is a deeply attuned conversational interaction that works directly with the growth trends of a client’s neurobiology.